Thursday, 29 June 2023

Why should you be self-reliant by world famous leaders


Self- Reliance

The Take of Leaders on Self-Reliance

‘Aatmanirbhar Bano’(Be self-reliant). This quote reminds you of whom? None other than our beloved Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. Self-reliance has deeper roots in India's historical, cultural, and philosophical traditions, and it continues to be an important principle in the country's development and governance. This concept was strongly advocated by the father of our nation, who lay the foundation for the ‘Swadeshi moment’ in which several bonfires of British goods took place, ‘Khadi promotion’ in which machine-made cloth of Britain was burnt to ashes and handspun cloth was widely encouraged to be made and used.

The late Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, known as the Missile Man of India and former President, often spoke about the significance of self-reliance. He believed that self-reliance in science, technology, and innovation was crucial for India's progress and development. Dr. Kalam encouraged young minds to contribute to the nation's growth by being self-reliant. On similar terms, PM Modi launched schemes like Make in India Campaign (September 2014) ‘Vocal for Local’(May 12, 2020), and Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan (May 2020).  Also, Ratan Tata envisioned a self-reliant India which he believes is possible by supporting innovation and investment in technology.

Not only Indian leaders, leaders all across the globe, of both democratic and non-democratic nations promote self-dependence. Some of these leaders are Jacinda Ardern (New Zealand), Justin Trudeau (Canada), Angela Merkel (Germany), Emmanuel Macron (France), Scott Morrison (Australia), Lee Kuan Yew (Singapore), Mahathir Mohamad (Malaysia), Deng Xiaoping (China), Park Chung-Hee (South Korea) and Hugo Chávez (Venezuela).

How to be Self-Reliant as Individuals

Now, I am sure that by reading the above content, you would have realized the importance of self-reliance, i.e. self-dependence. Self-reliance is not a concept that should be restricted to Nationwide development. This needs to seep deep into our households. We need to become self-dependent in our homes. One instance which I want to share here is that: One day, a woman’s house was flooded with water since she had absentmindedly left the tap open. She demanded a maid to clean up the mess and was reluctant to move from the sofa until her maid came. The maid arrived in the evening after many follow-ups, since it was a holiday. The lady sighed in relief and thanked her maid for coming and clearing the flooded water. Is this how dependent we should be on our house helps? What if the maid would have arrived the next day? If her home was flooded with water, did she have waterproof sofas, the wood of which would remain intact even after being exposed to water for prolonged periods?

 If we have enough time and energy, then we should do our household chores on our own. Doing the household chores such as mopping the floors serves as a two-in-one: the floors are cleaned plus, you burn some calories. Distribute it among the family members based on capabilities instead of overloading the queen of the house. Make your children and partner realize that the house is not only of the women, it is theirs too and it is equally their responsibility to keep the house spick and span.  After a certain age, we should delegate our work to our children so that they have a sense of responsibility and ownership.

 Encourage your children to make their bed as soon as they wake up, help you by keeping the cleaned utensils back in place, washing their bicycle and table regularly, keeping their toys back in the right place, folding their clothes, and keeping it back in the Almirah, setting the sofa cushions and cover, switching on the washing machine. Cooking is a skill that every child irrespective of gender needs to learn since there are stages in life when these cooking skills come to use. Skills that children need to be taught include polishing shoes, tying the shoelace, cooking, communication skills, ethics, moral values, anger management, meditation, and any physical activity. This would contribute to the upbringing of self-reliant human beings, who would contribute as assets to the Indian economy.

To sum up, we need to become self-reliant individuals by taking the responsibility of doing our household work on our own. It is time to change. Don’t let the sleeping dogs sleep. Let us pledge to become self-reliant individuals and change our lives.

By Anunidhi Sharma

Engineer by profession,

Content writer by choice 

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Tuesday, 27 June 2023

Want to know the permanent solution to all your anger issues? Here it is:

Want to know the permanent solution to all your anger issues? Here it is:

They say that ‘Empty vessels make the most noise.’ The new generation, also called the gen-Z is recognized by traits such as: being absorbed in social media, disrespect of elders, inclination towards virtual friends while disregarding relations with real people, and virtual gaming. This is alarming. Picking up the topic of disrespect of parents and teachers, the spoiled generation is used to back answering. Whenever the teachers and parents instruct the children to do something, they question each and every instruction. When elders scold the younger generation, they back answer and instead of understanding the purpose of the scolding, they argue and are adamant to listen and improve themselves. This might be due to the ego of the children. Once they start back answering regularly, they develop a habit of doing so. They become so used to doing this that this becomes their new normal. This habit later shows up on job interviews, and later at workplaces, thus posing difficulties. This is something that can be kept in check from when they are born.

 The ego problem also causes outbursts of anger even for petty issues. This ego creates a huge gap between what we deserve and desire. For instance, most of the children choosing MPC desire to get into IIT Bombay. We need to do a reality check. Only a few are ready to put in hard work with will power, dedication and determination.

In competitive exams, survival of the fittest, Darwin’s theory is proved. Wake up! Rise and realize that the competition for entry into colleges, and jobs has amped up. Only those who put in the hard work are the ones who bag the prize. To tackle the ‘Ego problem’, one must realize that health wealth and opportunity for education are bestowed to you by the Almighty. These can be snatched away from you this very moment if Almighty wishes that to happen.

Try to understand that the universe in which we live is created by the creator and we are just one of the creations. Think about the vastness of the Universe. Aren’t we just a spec of dust in front of it? Then what are we proud of?  To understand the smallness of us in the Universe better, we can spiritually enhance ourselves. And how can we do this? The answer lies in the culture and heritage of India- practice Yoga, do meditation and ensure that you are physically fit. Physical fitness implies mental fitness. You can practice Brahmari, Isha Kriya and other practices. The tranquility one experiences after doing meditation and after praying to God is unmatchable. If you experience this peace and serenity once, you urge for more and in turn, start practising yoga and meditation more often and later incorporate it in your daily regime.

In conclusion, the habit of back-answering and disrespecting elders and teachers can be overcome by breaking free from the ego-driven mindset. It takes conscious effort and the willingness to change. By practicing meditation, cultivating humility, and acknowledging the divine blessings in our lives, we can bridge the gap between entitlement and respect. Remember, it is not about being the loudest voice in the room; it is about being the person who listens and learns. Best of luck to you if you are trying to change your attitude today onwards!

By Anunidhi Sharma

Engineer by profession,

Content writer by choice 

If you want my help in writing content for you please contact me at

Sunday, 25 June 2023

Mouth- watering bread cheese pizza recipe bursting with flavor

Mouth- watering bread cheese pizza recipe bursting with flavor

Hungry, my friend? Seeking something divine,

 A treat for your taste buds, a pleasure so fine.

Imagine a dish that's both crispy and soft,

 With flavors that dance and flavors aloft.

 A medley of toppings, a symphony of taste,

Come, indulge in a pizza, your hunger to chase.

Plunge into this blog to learn how to prepare delicious homemade bread pizza. Conceived in the late eighteenth century in Naples, Italy, to resemble the colors of the Italian flag, with red tomatoes, white mozzarella cheese, and green basil, pizza is named after Queen Margherita of Italy. Ever since it has got various versions in various countries based on preferences and affordability. One of the versions is bread pizza. It is equally relished by the young and the old. It can be prepared on either bread or pizza base or slice a bun into two, three of which give equally good results. This isn't the original recipe we tried. After testing and trying of several years, our recipe of making a pizza has evolved into this one, the one which you are going to read. First, take a huge plate and spread out as many loaves of bread as you can. Now, take out shredded mozzarella cheese, and pizza pasta sauce from the fridge. To make it spicier, add schezwan chutney based on your taste. Chop tomatoes, onions, capsicum, and paneer in one plate. In a bowl, mix schezwan chutney and pizza pasta sauce in the required ratio and proportion. Apply this paste on all of the loaves of bread spread on the plate. Top it with freshly chopped vegetables. Sprinkle shredded mozzarella cheese on it. Avoid sprinkling excessive mozzarella cheese since it might make pizza taste like a sticky tasteless glue. Take four loaves of bread and place them on a ceramic/microwavable plate. Microwave it for one and a half to two minutes. Repeat this for the other loaves of bread. Serve with oregano, chilli powder, cheese garlic sprinkles, and tomato ketchup. Come back and comment down how did your friends and family like this when you cooked it at home. Usually, my children dislike to eat capsicum and this is my way of feeding it to them, without them noticing. You can also add the veggies your children dislike to the pizza and try them. Maybe this trick works! A simple recipe like this is easy to follow even for kids to follow, provided the vegetables are already chopped for them. So why not give it a try?

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Friday, 16 June 2023

3 foolproof methods to ace the job interview that you didn't know

3 foolproof methods to ace the job interview that you didn't know

Our country is filled with countless talented individuals. People here are incredibly dedicated and hardworking, giving their utmost effort even for the most menial jobs. However, the availability of jobs falls short in comparison to the number of applicants, resulting in intense competition and widespread unemployment. It's often said, "One pomegranate, and a hundred hungry mouths."

In such a challenging scenario, how does one overcome these hurdles? You may apply to 200 different positions and receive calls from only five organizations. However, before securing a job offer, you have to navigate through three to four rounds of screening. Typically, the initial round is a written test, either technical or concept-based. Following that is a practice round, where you're given a specific topic or task to demonstrate your skills. If your basic skill is coding and testing you might be asked to write code and run that program or focus on other essential components of testing the website. Finally, there's the interview stage.

During the interview, it's essential to follow a three-step approach:

1. Project confidence and stay relaxed: Your body language should convey comfort and expertise. When your concepts are clear, confidence will naturally shine through. However, if you're uncertain about certain concepts, nervousness might arise, giving the interviewer an opportunity to challenge you.

2. Practice: Research and prepare for potential questions related to your subject matter. Practice speaking your answers in front of a mirror to enhance fluency and pronunciation. Take note of your facial expressions and any pauses. Work on minimizing those pauses, and if you need time to think, utilize filler words like "Well," "It is rightly said," or "Everyone has a different perspective." Begin with these phrases, then gather your thoughts and respond.

3. Be honest: Answer all the interviewer's questions truthfully, whether they pertain to your experience, previous organizations, or your understanding of the job profile. Some individuals may manage to crack an interview through dishonest means, only to struggle once they enter the field. Consequently, they may seek shortcuts that are no longer viable in the IT industry, as many companies require employees to work from the office.

Thorough preparation is crucial. Opportunities do not frequently present themselves, but when they do, seize them and work diligently toward your goal of acing the interview. Establish your position, set the context, and ultimately carve out a niche for yourself within the organization.

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Sunday, 11 June 2023

Opinion: Is social media a boon or a bane?

Every coin has two sides; similarly, each aspect of any technology can have advantages or disadvantages.

Social media is affecting everyone in both a positive and negative manner. These days, whether someone is an IT professional, an educator, a student, or even a person who works from home, they are engrossed in social media. People are constantly busy on their phones and laptops. Students are occupied with searching for research work or completing tasks assigned by their schools or colleges. Now, the question arises: "Is the time spent searching for a given topic productive, or do people get distracted from their goals and start surfing other platforms and topics one after another?" Someone rightly said that people follow the AIDE Model while surfing, without even realizing that they are wasting their precious time. They get attracted to posts, reels, and shorts. Some of the searched topics stimulate interest in the minds of the readers, leading to a desire to watch and search for more. As a result, excess time is wasted without the user's knowledge. If someone interrupts and asks, "How much is too much?" the surfer may get irritated and fail to realize the addiction that is developing. Therefore, in order to effectively utilize this resource, one needs to follow the SMART Technique, which involves realizing that the topics searched are specific and measurable, aiming for attainable goals, and relying on reliable information. Furthermore, parents need to intervene if their child spends more time on social media than necessary, as it can lead to various health issues such as eye strain, anxiety, and ultimately, depression.

Excess of everything is bad, but if anything is done in moderation, it is accepted and appreciated.

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Wednesday, 7 June 2023

How to be a successful content writer?

How to be a successful content writer?
Content Writing opportunities

Content writing is an art that allows you to express yourself on various topics of interest. Engaging stories that captivate, motivate, and inspire readers are highly sought after. In the field of IT, content writing has emerged as a well-established profession.

Content writers are well-compensated for their skills. They have the flexibility to work as freelancers or remotely, utilizing platforms that can be used as work-from-home opportunities.

Content writing services are also being provisioned from freelancing platforms like Upwork and Fiverr. Here are the links:

These platforms are excellent for writers who specialize in editing and proofreading articles. By earning badges and establishing a portfolio, you can attract more clients. However, it may take some time initially to gain recognition and build a clientele. But it is a great way as it leads to Content Writing opportunities for one and all !! 

It's essential to be cautious of scams prevalent in the industry. Some individuals create fraudulent accounts and lure unsuspecting writers to join platforms like Telegram, promising high payments. Newcomers should be wary of such activities and avoid getting entangled in them.

Getting involved in the field of content writing requires a small effort, whether joining an IT company, educational institution, or even a government website. Nowadays, organizations of all kinds recognize the importance of good content for effective communication.

When creating content, it's crucial to adhere to the SMART keyword approach. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reliable, and Time Frame. Your written content should meet these parameters.

A well-crafted title should include relevant keywords, trigger words, and a sense of urgency. By optimizing keywords for search engine optimization (SEO), your title will become more visible in search results. Long-tailed keywords, consisting of more than three words, tend to be more effective. Additionally, using numeric or urgent words can evoke a sense of urgency in readers' minds.

If you're interested in enhancing your content writing skills, there's an excellent course available on Udemy. This comprehensive course covers Content Writing, Copywriting, and Content Marketing, offering a valuable 3-in-1 learning experience. The course is taught by Ms. Shubhi Saxena.
You can find the course at the following link: 3 In 1  Course

By  Anunidhi Sharma
Blogger by Choice 
Engineer by Profession

If you want my help in writing content for you please contact me at

Friday, 2 June 2023

Gurugram – A cyber-secure city; sustainable and protective of its citizens


Gurugram – A cyber-secure city; sustainable and protective of its citizens

“What is life, if full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare”

                                          – By William Henry Davis

 To build a hi-tech, heartthrob city like Gurugram, a strong infrastructure as the backbone, talented manpower, and industrious people working towards development are required. Gurugram has already created a niche for itself, a remarkable spot on the world map, and an opportunist’s paradise on this human-inhabited planet. Tall and clustered buildings, translucent window panes glasses reflecting sunlight and absorbing high skilled talent, technology is at its supreme height in the city of dreams – Gurugram. City opening gates with open arms for superpower technical brains and welcoming them to work towards the development of the state and ultimately developing the nation has filled the enthusiasm of inhabitants with pride. The group of people who worked towards building the infrastructure, nurturing talent from all over the country, and rather world, and making the city to be a source of bread earners for millions must be on cloud 9. And they should be!

But by gaining this all, there are some cons too that should be addressed. As they say – Someone’s gain is someone’s loss!!. The crawling in infrastructure infuses the creeping in of several issues like moving away from nature, trees, and beautiful rivers created by God.  These issues walk in just as slowly as a snail but they create an impact that may be sometimes positive and sometimes negative on the everyday life of a person whether it is a man or a woman or even a school-going child. If you are the parent of a school-going child, he/ she might interrogate you innocently on where are the trees and what you mean by the lap of nature, why is it not in our immediate surroundings, why are we not secure even at home when we work on our systems, how can the crimes be reduced whether it is crime against nature or it is something offensive in the cyber world. These are the little small questions probably allegations and they can boggle the mind of every responsible citizen of this globe, push you to a corner, and make you introspect yourself.

We have to protect the upcoming young generation and ourselves from global warming, cybercrime, butchering nature, and inhumane acts that may lead to anxiety and depression. It is high time when energy sustainable goals have to be accomplished. All the citizens of this beautiful city have to be made aware of the grave outcomes of insensitivity towards the environment by conducting eye-opening campaigns like the Cyber safety campaign by New Zealand, to protect and save our city from all these heinous crimes. We propagate this opinion that we should be alert while managing the bank accounts online, sharing the OTPs, and sharing important yet personal information with anyone who is posing as a bank employee or a person who poses to be a well–wisher to help us in processing bank details. But there is something called core consciousness that people who are into cybercrime and undergoing this disgraceful profession or people who believe in deforestation instead of afforestation need to work on so that they can empathize with others instead of phishing their accounts or baring mother earth. Otherwise, it is a big question mark on our parents who have brought up us with such a gloomy, pessimistic and conspiratorial mentality that can dreadfully impact others.

Fortunately, the good news is that yes we can and we will! Together we can build capable teams that have dedicated and diligent people with a common aim to motivate people to take baby steps toward sustainability. As they say Slow and steady wins the race, so we will together. The consequences of this would be that gradually people will understand the value of plantation drives, positive approaches towards the environment cleanliness, and even mind cleanliness, and the initiative required to clean up the mind and inspire them towards the right path instead of earning money through wrong and unacceptable means. Psychology says there is only one life – the life we live. No one is aware of the last Janam and the next Janam; all these rebirth and reincarnation tales have not been tested and proven by anyone. So let us make this Janam a memorable, optimistic and full of life, happiness, joy and blissful one so that everyone is on the right path with the right and positive mindset.

 By Anunidhi Sharma

Blogger by Choice, Engineer by Profession

If you want my help in writing content for you please contact me at