Saturday, 29 July 2023

Are you a first-time hosteller and feeling lonely? Here are five helpful tips.

 Are you a first-time hosteller and feeling lonely? Here are five helpful tips.

First of all, congratulations that you are selected for a professional college🎉! This in itself is a huge achievement. All the sweat, blood, and tears of two years has yielded fruitful results. But this ain’t the end of hard work! It’s just the beginning. So cheer up😊and gear up🦾 for the upcoming four years.

It is very common to experience loneliness in the first few months of stay at a hostel. Remember these five P’s to overcome loneliness in a hostel. Here are a few tips to help you overcome this:

1.    Peers: Identify students whose interests match yours and also students who are serious about studies and befriend them. Avoid discussing private matters with them since they will spread all the information you give them throughout the college.

2.     Parents connection: 📞Call and video call your parents regularly and pour your heart💗 out to them. Tell them about what you are feeling like and all the thoughts and emotions you are going through. This will ease your burden. Your parents will help, guide and motivate you. Also, 🏠visit your parents often (if your house is in the same city as the hostel). Make it a point to visit your parents every weekend🚍. This will give you a change from a strenuous study environment to a less stressful environment.  

3.     Pranayam, meditation🧘‍♀️: Brahamari pranayama is very useful for relieving stress and strain (not the physics one). Anulom- vilom opens up the veins. This balances your body. Brahmari, Anulom- vilom can be done by anyone at any time. Ensure to include at least these two pranayams in your daily regime.

4.     Pursue your hobby🎸🎹🎼📸🎨 : By practicing your hobby, you will get peace of mind, which will boost your overall performance in tests.

5.   Physical activity⚽🏸🎾🏏🏑🏀: Based on your sports of interest, create a group and play sports regularly with them. This will keep your physical fitness in check.  “All study and no play makes Tom a dull boy.”   

Follow the five P's and beat the loneliness problem. You can do this. Be confident , Be optimistic.                                                                                          

      By  Anunidhi Sharma

Blogger by Choice 
Engineer by Profession

If you want my help in writing content for you please contact me at   

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