Sunday, 30 December 2012

Temperature & Molecules

Temperature and Molecules

What is the afffect of temperature on the molecules of all the states of matter i.e Solid State ,Liquid State and Gaseous State.

Basically ...As the Temperature rises,the Kinetic Energy of the molecules increases
                 As the kinetic energy increases the molecules starts moving .
                 Initially the movement is slow but with the increase in temperature it becomes vigrous.
Let us understand the effect of temperature on the solid state.

Ice is  a solid state.Take a piece of ice out of the refrigerator .Put it on a plate.Observe.It will start melting.It is due to the increase in the temperature.In the refrigerator the temperature is low ,outside temperature is high ,so the Kinetic energy of the molecules increases to such a extent that it changes its form of matter.It change itself  from the solid state to the liquid  state.

If the same lump of ice is heated in a pan ,the conversion of that piece of ice into liquid form will be early.
The molecules receive more heat from the external souce,start vibrating more vigrously thus leaving the solid state and getting converted into the liquid state.

The temperature at which the solid meits and change into the liquid form is known as MELTING POINT.

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