Censors in the house, furor in Parliament over a cartoon in the NCERT text book. Why not censuring the political leaders from attending the same parliament session, after spending so much time in jail due to massive scams. No disgrace, no embarrassment on such issues. Fighting over the matters which general public has not even bothered about. What is this if not a feudal system with no laws rules to be followed by these feudal lords of today. This reflects that there is no control, restraint.
Worried about the image of political class for cartoons but not worried about the character they display while making their hands dirty in mind boggling scams. The scams present a much more dirtier and vulgar picture than the satirical cartoons. But no body is bothered. This is ironical as well as tragic. Government says delete the cartoon and revise all the text books but says why not erase the names of corrupt and tainted and revise the parliament. Parliament is the pillar of democracy and it must be protected from the black hands of greed and corruption.
Worried about the image of political class for cartoons but not worried about the character they display while making their hands dirty in mind boggling scams. The scams present a much more dirtier and vulgar picture than the satirical cartoons. But no body is bothered. This is ironical as well as tragic. Government says delete the cartoon and revise all the text books but says why not erase the names of corrupt and tainted and revise the parliament. Parliament is the pillar of democracy and it must be protected from the black hands of greed and corruption.
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