Saturday, 31 March 2012

Solid food for babies

For the 1st four - five months of life, babies feed on milk. Their digestive system is still developing, hence they cannot normal food. Their one sole dependence is on milk. Starting from one ounce and gradually increasing till 4 ounces at one time in four months. Doctors say that the babies should solely be on milk for 1st 6 months. some babies are so hungry that every one to one and half hour they need milk. As the babies grow, their need for food increases. I suppose that if a baby starts acting in a way that he is swallowing something, then it is better to start little bit of solid food like mashed bananas. These are soft, easy to swallow and easy to digest. Start with a small piece of banana and see the result. The poop will be dark and will also have some black strands so don't panic.

               One should start the solid food at the age of six months, as they say. Also rice cereals are best ones easily available in the market. Home food like rice and dal khichdi mashed together can be started. Make a point that veggies are also introduced first. It is observed that if fruits are given first then they dont want to eat the veggies as they prefer fruits to veggies.
                                                              Ready made foods for babies are available in market. That's a blessing in disguise families when they travel. Cerelac cereals can be made even if you are travelling. Add two spoons of water to one spoon of cerelac rice cereal and baby food is ready.

Baby's tummy is satisfied and the baby is happy, obviously you are happy and so is the family.

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